Saturday, January 2, 2010

Back to blogspace - after a rather long sojourn

Yeah yeah I know, I am regularly irregular in updating my blogs, that off-late I am not following that freaking fitness (or whatever you call it) regime and many more things. Explanations were sought and were delivered individually :)
Okay, lets talk about this "Zero Percentile" thing. No no, its not a new grading / evaluating mechanism device'd by the so called folks from B School to torment wanna-be souls. Its a book penned down by Neeraj, I know most of us haven't heard abt it/him and why should we. He does not have that IIT-IIM (followed by an Investment Banking / Top Consulting) tag to lure us, but he does manage to have that pull. The first thing that drew me towards this was - a random discount ad on some of those shopping web-pages which use the so called latest Business Intelligence methodology to peep into our minds and lure us with God-knows-what-discounted offer. The term struck a cord, an instant connect, the story of someone talking about mediocrity amidst all this hype and hoopla about SUCCESS and EXCELLENCE - woow sounds interesting with the very apt title that goes on to reads as "Missed IIT Kissed Russia".
After some frantic searches to Crossroads and College Streets I did finally managed to lay my hands on it. Its the story of Pankaj, someone aspires to be into IIT but destiny plays its part. He goes on to study engineering in Russia and see life from a completely different perspective. From the harsh (euphemistically described) weather to the college gang war, Vodka parties to gorgeous and beautiful women it talks about all. What it also highlight is the never-say-die entrepreneurial spirit of Indians and their ability to live up to that image. Somewhere down the line it also talks about distances being created and how fatal it is for any relationships. It touches upon sensitive issues like HIV-AIDS and the acceptability of a virus carrier in our society. In a whole, its a complete package of drama with a range of emotions to watch out (read - read out) for. Priced at an affordable Rs 95/- this one is highly recommended for folks who are interested in campus life and that too in a distant land. Happy Reading Guys!!!

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